
Why Health Employers Should Work with a Staffing Agency


The pandemic, the continuing nursing shortage, a rising aging population, and skyrocketing demand for chronic care— all of these come together to create an environment that direly needs nursing professionals. Statistics say that there are currently three million open nursing jobs in the United States, with a projected rise of up to 7% between 2019 and 2029. To fill this growing need, healthcare employers must make sure they find the right hires. This is something our nurse staffing agency in Frisco, Texas can do with great results.

Texas Nursing Services is a provider of supplemental staffing in Texas. We help employers fill positions with qualified hires to maintain their quality of care. If you are not sure about working with us, you might want to learn about the benefits:

  • We quickly fill vacant positions.

    Especially during certain times of the year, you would want to make sure that your assisted living facility, nursing home, or hospital has enough personnel. Our turnkey solutions easily provide you with staff that matches your requirements to maintain continuity of care.

  • Our candidates have been screened to suit your needs.

    We always strive for precise portfolio matching to maintain optimal turnover rates as a supplemental staffing agency. Utilizing medical hiring best practices, we make sure your hires provide the outcomes you require.

  • We save you time, energy, and resources.

    In a care environment as hard-pressed as today, the last thing you would want is to direct precious time, energy, and resources into other tasks. Let our professionals handle your recruitment needs so you can focus on serving your clients.

Our medical staffing agency is always available for your inquiries. Talk to us for more information today.

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